Why subscribe?

Economic (financial/technological) systems can be classified as non-linear dynamic systems. But there is a still a missing link between the discipline of mathematical chaos-theory/non-linear dynamics and the discipline of macro-economics/finance.

This newsletter serves as a bridge between the two disciplines, especially because the current globalized economy has become a perfect chaotic system, nowadays. Therefore, the systemic point of view has become imperative for successful financial-economic diagnostics and policy-making, even though it is found nowhere in PhD Economics.

Some newsletter-editions will treat fundamental concepts, or other applications of chaos-theory. It is still very badly understood that what we call ‘living’ systems and ‘non-living’ systems (such as an economy) are actually the same class of systems, from a high level of abstraction.

At that level, systems are uniquely driven by chaotic attractors of entropy production. It is just a matter of properly identifying the entropic unit of the system at hand. Therefore, this newsletter will occasionally cover ‘living’ systems as well, to illustrate this.

Subscribe to It's the entropy, stupid!

A systemic point of view on developments in technology, finance, the economy, and everywhere else where chaos-theory intersects with the real world.


It's the entropy, stupid!